


    BLAME is about being responsible for something that has gone wrong.

    "A bad workman blames his tools."

    Blame stresses the assignment of accountability and often connotes censure or criticism; an accusation that one is responsible for some lapse or misdeed. 

    "He always blames his mistakes on me." 

    If you BLAME sb FOR sth you attribute responsibility to them. Your mom might walk into the house, see a broken vase and blame you. 

    "Human error has been blamed for the air crash."

    You can BLAME sth ON sb/sth. If you have a headache, you might blame it on not getting enough sleep. 

    "Anything that goes wrong in the office is blamed on Pete."

    Use of 'blame' with 'on' has occasionally been disparaged as wrong. Such disparagement is without basis; 'blame on' occurs as frequently in carefully edited prose as 'blame for'. 

    "I blame him for the mix-up/I blame the mix-up on him."

    You can BE (partly/largely/entirely, etc) TO BLAME (FOR) sth. Some studies claim that TV, movies and other media are to blame for youth violence and criminal behavior.

    "A freak storm was to blame for the power outage."

    You can BE/GET BLAMED FOR something. A common complaint among younger siblings is,

    "Why do I always get blamed for everything?"

    You can LAY/PUT THE BLAME ON sb. Your younger sibling might be very good at laying blame for their problems on others. 

    "The police laid the blame for the accident on the driver."

    PIN THE BLAME ON sb/sth means to blame or try to frame one for a crime, transgression, or wrongdoing of which they are innocent.

    "There's no way they can pin the blame on me for this fiasco."

    If you TAKE or SHOULDER THE BLAME (FOR sth), you say that it is your fault. 

    "If anything goes wrong, I'll take the blame."
    "As captain of this ship, I shoulder the blame."

    Often, in official contexts, blame is 'assigned', 'allocated', 'apportioned' or 'placed.'

    "The report assigned the blame for the accident to inadequate safety regulations."

    ESL Tips
    @Posted by
    writer and blogger, founder of English Kids .

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